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Showing posts from July, 2017

Commitment – First step to love (How much he/she committed to you)

Commitment is not about sitting and keeping your eyes locked at your soulmate's eyes. It is also not about taking no notice of the temptations and disturbances of the world. It isn't mainly about always saying no to the opportunities and all attempts for infidelity and unfaithfulness. Commitment starts when you start winding up your flirtatious Self Relationship Milestones What is commitment? Commitment is more greater than going home with someone special every night. It is beyond the feel of touch and the feel of locking your soft lips against your partner's. Commitment is much more than an exclusive physical relationship build between two bodies. Commitment is building of an extra ordinary and exclusive emotional and soul to soul connection to another person. It is the purity of a relationship. Genuine Happiness When you are truly committed to someone, you finds the genuine happiness with that single person and you don't even think of

The Longest Moment of My Life - A Moment of Thousand Years

I was there, where she called me. I was waiting for her, my heart was beating as fast as it possibly could, as it would burst out of my chest any moment. My breath was heavy, I wasn't able to control it. Last night, while I was talking to her, she told me to come and visit her in the morning. I had no plan of doing anything, but suddenly something clicked in my mind and a couple of moments later, I found myself planning a visit. I was just not able to resist the urge coming from deep inside my chest. Source: Pininterest I could not sleep all night; it was one of the longest nights of my life. It felt like my whole life till now was just a journey and I will reach my destination in the morning. Believe me, I was the happiest person on the face of this planet. However, my happiness was not cheering, it was calm. Have you ever experienced the calm happiness instead of joyous one? I remember myself thinking, “What will happen in the morning? What would I say to her? How

Here Is How Each Zodiac Sign Ruin Its Relationship Unintentionally

Once in a while, we all feel that our zodiac signs effect our lives and our personality. Therefore, we end up reading all those relatable post. It is true that every zodiac sign has some weakness or downfall along with strengths and plus points. Due to this fact, one’s love life is effected very differently. Somehow, they end up ruining the good they have in their lives which is obviously very unintentional but happens. Therefore, we have gathered reasons to explain how each zodiac sign tend to damage their love life without even meaning to. ARIES: Aries are often attracted to the people who may drain them mentally and emotionally which leads to having a negative effect in Aries life. What more harming is that when an Aries do end up falling for these type of people they fall exceptionally hard which makes them feel that they are incomplete without them, that they will be unable to live without their presence. This is the reason the said draining people take advan

The Story Behind Success of This Novel: In Words of the Author

There was a time when no one knew about us and there is a time when people are talking about us. How this happened and when it happened who knows, right? Get ready to hear the story in my own words, One of the Authors of Maazi,  Hasnain Ali .   Sometimes when we see back to the things for how they were, it seems very easy as that time has passed. However, you cannot imagine the hurtful feeling that waved through my body when I head this line. Yeh Novel hi likhny thy to kio Bari University me dakhlaa lia tha Not every desire of us Humans comes to reality and that is why we said: Maazi - The Novel It actually started when we started our university my friend one day said,  "Your poetry is good enough. Can you write a Book?"  I said this is not a big deal I can write anything, and then we started discussions on daily basis on the basic idea of this book. We started writing as a rough copy and then we realized that writing a book is much more harder. Well

5 Red Signals Your Boyfriend Is an Emotional Loser

You cannot identify anyone for the type of person they are immediately. This is a process, which takes much time and consideration. This world is known for its deceptions and deceits. Many people who involve themselves in our lives are selfish and work for their personal gain. We all live our personal stories of trauma and drawbacks, not many of us are capable of staying positive after going through a lifetime of negativity. Some people are negative from the birth and some of the people become negative after going through the negative experiences of their lives.  The most careful consideration of all should be when it comes to choose our life partners. Most of the people let their relations go in a natural flow but what's bad in keeping an eye on your future. Here are signs that will show if your boyfriend is one of those emotional losers who are abusive too! Pinimg This hardly means that he often disrespects you instead he will try to gain the trust, which is t

5 Sweetest Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Saying it, Literally!

PinInterest I Love you! Three magical words, which change your life in a way you never expect. The origin of these three words go back to since “I don’t even know, maybe, nobody knows.” However, all of us have heard, said, written these three words infinite times in our texts, pieces of paper, calls and whatsoever. These three words are an expression of love, which you use to express your love not only to your “one” but to the people you care about. For some people, it is just an ordinary statement everybody says around 10 times in day but for some this single three-word sentence means their whole world to them. If you are believer of love, this sentence would mean much to you and if you are not, then it might just be another useless thing that millions of people say to each other in the world each day. In both of the cases, the statement still carries some weight. The mainstream answer to “I love you” is “I love you too” or sometimes “I love you more.” Although, th