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Commitment – First step to love (How much he/she committed to you)

Commitment is not about sitting and keeping your eyes locked at your soulmate's eyes. It is also not about taking no notice of the temptations and disturbances of the world. It isn't mainly about always saying no to the opportunities and all attempts for infidelity and unfaithfulness.
Commitment starts when you start winding up your flirtatious Self Relationship Milestones

What is commitment?

Commitment is more greater than going home with someone special every night. It is beyond the feel of touch and the feel of locking your soft lips against your partner's. Commitment is much more than an exclusive physical relationship build between two bodies. Commitment is building of an extra ordinary and exclusive emotional and soul to soul connection to another person. It is the purity of a relationship.

Genuine Happiness

When you are truly committed to someone, you finds the genuine happiness with that single person and you don't even think of being a trickster or two-timer: actually when you are committed to him/her you don't have to be a tow-timer. Your partner becomes the only reason you smile or laugh. This type of happiness is like bursting deep down from the core or the heart. This unstoppable happiness is the real happiness, you got when you are really committed to someone. It could be reverse for when you see that person is really committed to you that much.
Relationship Milestones
When you are really committed to a relation, then you try to eliminate or extract all possibilities of being engaged in another relationship with other people. That is a real commitment or supposed to be.

Giving up being Flirtatious

Speaking of commitment; being flirtatious is not even closer to it. When you are committed to your loved one, then you have to give up or I must say you automatically wind up all your days and habits of being flirtatious to other people. You never see love and romance as game any more, you have to be serious because you have found your soulmate and the playing days are over now. You automatically close all the doors or loop holes from where other people can advance to you. You technically wear the badge or the label of commitment by saying that you are no longer available you are taken and off the market. You don’t need to entertain anyone other than your partner because all the space available in your heart has already taken by this single special person.
Relationship Rules
When you get attached to someone, then you automatically don’t become part of any insane waste of time outside of your relationship. You don’t lead other people any more just for the sake of fake enjoyment. You don’t need the feel of other people's attraction towards you because the attraction you feel coming from your soulmate is always the greater one.

Being Proud at your relationship

Being really committed means that you're not ashamed of having your partner yours. You instead feel proud having such a great partner, no matter what the other people think about your partner. It is your thinking which matters most to that person. You never try to hide your relation from the people. You proudly say that you are in a pure relationship with the one who is most beautiful in the world. You never give the people idea or loop hole of stealing you form your true partner you always try to show your relationship is as strong as it must be.
Remember You are not available. You are taken and you are always proud of having such a great relationship.
You want the world to be known of the fact that you are officially unavailable or off the market. You don’t need all of those confidence boosters from external sources because the confidence; that you've got from your partner is much more than you needed. You can not even imagine the idea of your partner not being with you and someone else. That is what actual commitment is.

Giving up privacy and individuality

You actually don't choose to be committed to someone; you automatically become committed when you are with pure emotions and you don't need privacy from your partner because you are already pure inside. It clearly means that you're willing and ready to share your dark and deep truths of your life with your partner. It means you have to be honest and strong enough to face or tell the truth to that person even it inconveniences you.
You try to be open to your partner all the day. It means you have to be a good listener too so that whenever your partner wants to share something he/she could do that in a better way without hesitation. Being committed to a relationship means that you actually have that much respect for each other to tell the truths all times.

Being Open and keep knowing more about each other

Being committed is a difficult and time taking thing, but it isn't something impossible. When you genuinely commit yourself to someone else's, then it means you have to constantly make an effort to know more about the person that you’re with. It means that you are ready to make the adjustments for your partner's happiness not because he/she have asked you for it. It also need you to compromise at some points in the life.
relationship rules
You are not the one who have to struggle for relationship. You both constantly have to work tirelessly to make sure your partner remains yours; no matter how much difficult it gets. Because it’s the rule of life and relationship that ups and downs come in the way, it is you who has to maintain the balances between the two extremes. You never give up on putting some effort for one another.

Giving freedom or space

Lastly, It means being able to giving some space at needed time and caring each other's freedom. You have to be committed to both of the self respect and the relationship. You have to be able to respect each other’s individuality if you really want to be committed to each other. Commitment isn’t something that can be perfect from the start. It has to be built. It has to be worked on. It takes time. But at the end of the day, all relationships will always survive on pure commitment.
Is your relation has commitment factor or is it not a relationship yet?


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