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Don't Say These Things If You Don't Want Him To Leave You.

This Is For Ladies; Men Could Read Only To Be More Specific. Do comment your views below. All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship, and I think if women don't indulge that sometimes, their men are likely to stray and look for someone who can give that to them. Men do not need any extraordinary thing from you; they just need some of your love you can easily give your man. However, they are a bit complicated because men do not express their emotions and their expectations from you. They want you to do things they like; you have to conclude the things your man like or you should devise another thing that could meet up his expectation to you. Therefore, sometimes he leaves his mind open for you so you can read it and do the things he likes. Source: Pinterest You must be sensitive enough to detect the hidden meanings of things he says to you. Whenever you are rude or insensitive to him or anything else, he is not going to tell you on your face that you are upset...
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